sharon23272May 211 min2024/05/21 Recycled carbon fiber pellets are used in insole products to provide a more comfortable wearing experience.以再生碳纖維塑膠粒為原料,製作成為鞋墊,以減輕腳底壓力、穩定足弓,提供更舒適的穿著體驗。
sharon23272Mar 281 min2024/03/25 Thermolysis wins the Gold Award at the UK Global Green World Awards.Thermolysis submitted an entry with the theme "From Waste to Upcycled: The Circular Reuse and Creation of High-Value Carbon Fiber...
sharon23272Jun 1, 20221 min2022/06/01 Aofeng Composites corp. promotes a new model of carbon fiber composite recycling現今,全球環保意識的增強已成爲一種發展趨勢,澳豐複材以永續發展為己任,將環境利益和對環境管理納入企業經營管理過程。為創造經濟與環保雙贏並接軌邁國際,澳豐複材攜手與國塑塑膠工業(股)公司、安能聚綠能(股)公司、江蘇澳盛複合材料科技有限公司及南通复源新材料科技有限公司供應商攜手...
sharon23272May 5, 20223 min2022/05/05 The present and future of Zero carbon emission technology in composite material industry淨零成為未來產業標配的趨勢下,對複合材料產業應是個機會而不是危機,複合材料廢棄物處理的經濟及環保衝擊似乎也有解決之道。本文從整個生命週期評估產品對總體環境負荷的角度切入,在環保永續的目標下,探討複合材料回收再生技術的重要性,以及幾項未來可能的發展方向,希望能給複材同業們一些...
sharon23272Jul 22, 20211 min2021/07/22 Turn the pages of product applications in the recycled carbon fiber supply chain2020年碳纖維製品市場達101,900噸,預估未來全球碳纖維市場需求以10~15%的速度持續增長。但隨之而來的加工邊料約20~30% (約30,570噸/年),及未來使用中的碳纖維產品報廢或退役數量,廢棄複材數量將遠高於現有統計數據。這些廢料若以廢棄掩埋或焚燒處理,勢必造...
sharon23272Dec 25, 20202 min2020/12/25 Say goodbye to the linear economic. Leading Taiwanese Sustainable CompetitivenessSay goodbye to the linear economic model, create a regenerate cycle of resources, and move towards zero waste determination Leading...